School Counseling
Welcome to the FMS Counseling Department
Welcome to Frankfort Middle School Counseling Services. Our student services include classroom guidance lessons, small groups, and individual counseling. We frequently collaborate with parents, teachers, and other interested adults and agencies who all work together to promote student success. Our goal is to help students manage themselves to succeed in all areas - academically, socially, and emotionally.
The FMS school counseling department helps students set goals for now and for the future to achieve academic success, develop behavior strategies needed to be engaged high-achieving students, and improve interpersonal & character skills to become productive citizens of our school and community. We facilitate successful school transitions by helping new 6th graders adjust to being middle school students, and by assisting 8th graders prepare for high school. We help all students investigate future educational and career options.
Mrs. Kelly Penley
Mrs. Kaitlin Baldwin
Mrs. Emily Hayhurst
For Help from the Counselors…
School counseling referral forms are available in the office for use by teachers and parents. If students are seeking our help and we are not immediately available, they may fill out an appointment slip and give to a secretary. We will call them back in when we are available.
Parents may contact the counselors at any time by phone, email, or in person if they have a concern about their child.
Mrs. Emily Hayhurst - 6th Grade School Counselor - ext. 4111,
Mrs. Kelly Penley - 7th Grade School Counselor - ext. 4309,
Mrs. Kaitlin Baldwin - 8th Grade School Counselor - ext. 4308,
Student Pre-Questionnaire: